31 July 2012

the Cell

A something that support our lives. We didn't even see, hear, and  feel them. But they help us a lot. They part of us. But sometimes we ignored it. We waste it. And they still born n grow for us. We are them. Who gather and work together to keep us running to catch a dreams.

29 July 2012

The Cost of Being Batman Vs Ironman.

Now we know who's the richest. Anyway, Wayne is bankrupt already on "Darknight Rise".

21 July 2012

Mario Brothers Fuct (Fuck Fact)

 When I play Mario on NDS. I think about something of their color. Then I realize that Luigi color is different from the original 8-bit. Somehow Luigi should wear white not green. And then i look at his mustache. Now I know why Bowser call him "Green-Stache".
 And one thing that confuse me, "Mario Brothers". So "Mario" is a family name. Then Luigi full name is "Luigi Mario". But what is Mario full name? "Mario Mario"?

10 July 2012



A Poem, A Song, A Story of the heart..

Filosofi Hati

"Kamu selalu               sakiti aku".
"Kamu selalu hancurkan diriku". "Remukan 
aku dengan perasaanmu". "Permainkanku dengan
 logikamu". Kadang kau tak percaya 'dia'. Meskipun 
dia selalu didekatmu. Jika 'dia' bisa bicara. Jika 'dia' bisa 
berbahasa. Mungkin 'dia' akan berkata, "Kuingin Merdeka!"
Mungkin 'dia' akan menangis jika 'dia' bisa menangis
Mungkin juga 'dia' tertawa melihat sikapmu 
kepadanya. Bayangkan jika 'dia' tak ada, 
hidup pasti kan terasa hampa.
Mungkin ini yang selalu 'dia' 
tanya, "Apakah aku 
kau anggap 
